Saturday, March 8, 2008

Lesson 2: Motivation

The 31st Annual Gate River Run took place today. It has become the most popular 15K in the nation, with over 13,000 participants who come from all over the United States and the world. It takes place in downtown Jacksonville, encompassing the Jaguars football stadium & the Jacksonville Fairgrounds. After achieving your finishing medal within the stadium, you can walk on over to the Fairgrounds and enjoy the free food, live entertainment, and runner's expo, where businesses hand out more free stuff and promote their merchandise. When you get home, you can turn on the TV to your local news channel and record yourself crossing the finish line.

Also on the day of the River Run are several other small running activities, including the Adidas Junior Run, the 5K for Charity, and the Diaper Dash for small children. This year I took part in the 5K. I ran for the most part, but I stopped and walked every now and then. There was a point where I was walking and I happened to look up and right in front of me was a hefty girl with the back of her shirt saying, "2 FAST 4 U." My mind said, "Oh hell no" and I picked up the pace. That's when I decided that my goal was not only to finish, but to finish before her.

Motivation can be inspired by something just as minute (and just as wrong... haha). Sometimes it's ingrained into a memory of a person who inspires you to be just like them or even just the opposite. Other times, it comes as small spurts from outside sources that constantly remind you of where you want to be, like watching someone laugh after having a bad day, or a shy person who decides to speak up. Motivation also means nothing if the end result is not important to you.

Another thing I (re-)learned today: Don't let people define success for you. Many people try to achieve financial success, but some think that success is just getting to live a normal life because they haven't before. Don't let people tell you that you are a failure just because you chose to do something they thought was not successful but is important to you.

How do you define success? What motivates you to reach it?

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