Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lesson 14: Music makes the world go 'round

Music: the universally understood medium that breaks all social, economic, & cultural barriers. It's known to grasp the deepest parts of the human soul to uplift, depress, inspire... or to even just make you get down witcha bad self. Sometimes the messages and distinct sounds music puts forth can be so powerful that they leave you immersed in a world encompassing that temporary theme. Visions become tangible. Emotions surface. Reality becomes surreal.

For the past month or so, I have been so inspired by music that I delayed my schoolwork just to listen to it. It's amazing how so many different musicians can portray their own interpretation of their feelings or life's circumstances within their songs and make it sound so good. I've always been inclined to write my own, but it's such a difficult task, so it makes such talented musicians all the more inspiring. One thing I know for sure though: music brings me happiness.

Today, a friend came over and we had our first jam session together. He rocked the acoustic guitar while I sang and played the keys. Our goal this summer is to get good enough to do a few open mic nights, then maybe get signed after graduation and work as part-time floater pharmacists and part-time rockstars as we tour the country. =P But for now, we're just focusing on a few covers to get us into the gist of making music. We got through 2 full songs today, and there are a few more we're planning on doing for our practice next week.

It's exciting to finally make good use of a hobby I've had for so long! Hopefully that excitement will be transposed into work and determination so we can produce some awesome results.

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