Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lesson 15: Wise words from a Publix cashier

I went to Publix today on break to buy sushi and potato salad for lunch. The cashier said to me playfully, "Are you gonna eat your salad with chopsticks too?" I told her that I was gonna go grab a fork back at my store. Then I said, "It is kind of a weird combination though." She shrugged and replied, "It's okay. It's what you like!"

Sometimes when I'm driving with my windows down and the music up, I turn it down when I come to a stoplight. It's kind of embarrassing for me to admit, but I do it because the people in the cars near me may not appreciate being obligated to hear the kind of crap I like to listen to. But who cares? As long as I'm not breaking some kind of sound ordinance law or being inconsiderate while driving in a residential area at 3am, it's alright. It's what I like.

I like two waffles in the morning, one with butter, the other with PB&J.

I like Mean Girls.

I like making sure my feet are clean before I go to bed.

I like the smell of prescription prenatal vitamins.

I like talking to animals, even when they are two cars in front of me.

I like the toilet paper roll to face outwards towards me (especially since the roll is on the opposite wall in my bathroom and you have to bend forward far enough already to wipe).

Many times before, I've caught myself tweaking some of the interests I express because I'm around certain people and wonder too much about what they'll think of me. But Missy at Publix put it in such simple terms that I'm absolutely positive she never even stepped across the notion that she'd given someone such wise, thought-provoking advice. I don't think she thought I'd be a weirdo.

Each year you live life, you realize how short it really is. Don't constantly suppress the small things that make you happy because you feel pressured by what someone else thinks.

Embrace your inner weirdness.

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