Friday, March 13, 2009

Lesson 21: ?

On an angry note:
People don't have shitty characters because of their wrongdoings; people have shitty characters because they don't admit them.

On a contemplative note:
Ever notice that the word "ass," when used by itself, is a noun... but when you use it after an adjective, it becomes part of that adjective, usually to say something derogatory?

"Get your lazy ass over here!"
"Stank ass bitch."
"I don't want your crazy ass mom in my house!"

You could do without saying the word "ass" in most of those sentences, but the addition of it brings a little spice to the sentence and gives you a little more insight as to how the person really feels about what they're saying. That is... unless they use profanity as part of their normal, everyday vocabulary.

Oldie but goodie.