Monday, October 28, 2013

Lesson 23: Seize the moment

I'm currently listening to the 90's Pop Hits station on my Pandora and "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" came on just a few minutes ago. Of course I know all the words. That made me think of a time several years ago when I was out with a bunch of friends at a bar with live music and a dance floor: The band played covers all night, and before the next song, they asked if anyone in the audience knew all the words to the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", and to come up to the mic if they did. People around me knew I did, and they urged me to go up there but I didn't because I was too shy to. Instead, some hesitant chick went up there and didn't know half the song. I could've anhihilated that song. When am I ever going to have another opportunity to do that?

It also makes me think of another time earlier this year. I did the Tough Mudder with a team of about 16 people, with me being only one of three girls. At the end right before the last obstacle, which is composed of basically a mud pit and dozens of hanging electrical wires, the announcer stopped the whole team and asked us to all go through it together. Mind you, there were a few hundred family members and friends on both sides of the obstacle shouting in excitement, marking the near-end of achievement and refreshments and showers and rest. The announcer shouted into the mic, "3... 2... 1... GO!" And everyone ran through it... except me. I'm the loser that went around because I'm scared of getting shocked. And that's the last Tough Mudder I ever intend on doing.

Sometimes I let myself down. For times like these, I need to learn to think to myself, "Will I regret not doing this?" If the answer is yes, suck it up and fucking do it. Your fears confine you. Learn to think that it's about the bigger picture, the story of your life, the stories you'll be able to tell and that your friends will be able to tell. It may even prove to yourself that you are capable of so much more than you think.

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