Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Many Missed Lessons: Blog revival!

It's been a long time.

I have posted a couple of entries here and there with Google+, but I don't think it'll be the same as what I started here. I've decided that this is a good theme for an ongoing blog and that it's time for a revival. I can't promise that there will be daily posts, but writing has always been therapeutic for me and after a long hiatus, it's time to come back.

Since my last post, here are some major events that have happened in my life (not necessarily in chronological order):

  • Graduated from pharmacy school
  • Completed a 1-year General Practice Residency at Mayo Clinic
  • Obtained a full-time position as Assistant Pharmacy Manager at a well-known and respected local grocery chain
  • Got out of a 7-year relationship and recently ended a 2.5-year relationship
  • Moved out into an apartment for a year
  • Moved out of the apartment and bought a house
  • Bought a new car (2014 Mazda CX-5)
  • Ran my first half-marathon in Vegas and raised money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
  • Visited family in the Philippines
  • Started attending a rapidly growing non-denominational church
I can't tell you how many lessons I've learned since then, and I know that I have changed and matured since the last time anything was posted. But my most recent lesson has been this: My accomplishments have merely been steps towards living the American Dream, but I still do not feel fulfilled. I know that I am capable of doing almost anything I want, as long as I put effort into it. When I set a goal, I can usually reach it. I have proved it to myself time and time again. But I just move onto the next thing, then the next thing and the next... and now I feel like I am here right where I need to be, but something is still missing. That's when I asked myself, Is it God?
That is one of the reasons why I have looked back into going to church, hoping to seek those answers. I have been attending this new church for a few months now, but have yet to join a disciple group or become active. I grew up Catholic and this is still new to me... but I am open to new experiences-- just scared to push myself right over the edge into them. I am hopeful and doubtful at the same time... I know God doesn't disappoint, but I can't shake the feeling that he will until something happens.

When you're younger, it's easier to make connections. You've got school, work, extracurricular activities, hobbies. Young people generally seem more willing to meet new people or try new things. At my age now, people are more interested in cultivating the relationships that they have already established, but I am still willing to make new connections. I hold dear to the friends that I have kept in touch with over several years, but it's different now. We grow and sometimes have less in common than what we used to. People move away, start a new job somewhere, join the military. I remember being able to call people at 3am if I wanted/needed to, but now people have to get up early, go to work, take the kids to school. It gets lonely sometimes. 

But they say you are where you are because of you and the choices you make. I find that mostly true. I guess the only solution would be to keep moving, keep opening up opportunities to make new connections and experience new things. Hopefully I can find something that will make everything worthwhile.

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